NB: This site responds to PTSD.
PPCLI - Moving out from Chaum-ni; 17th of February 1951


"Sick, lame, or lazy" ... you know that's what folk think, even when they're "nice" and don't straight up say it. (And which of us wouldn't rather straight up?) Let's face it, when you're gung.ho even just thinking and anticipating "shirk" wounds like a hot blade.

Or how about "hyper-vigilance" ... you good enough with words to describe that?
And, of course, at some point we're gonna get into "reactive" and "oppositional", and "combative". Yes, we are, ohhh yes.

And then folk snickering that PTSD stands for "people trying to screw the department" ...
... it's not often an empathetic world.

Shouts out to LER & other PPCLI.

Fears no Foe


Looking for: "Red" (Saskatoon) and Leonard Adams, both from Cornwallis 7208.
also: Doug Hunt, x-CFB Griesbach; last know: St. Albert


Alpha Company, 2nd Platoon "Red Devils" of Edmonton, AB Canada;
ambushed by insurgents near Sangin, Halmand Province
Afghanistan 15JULY06

Raw War in Afghanistan (age restricted)
video by Scott Kesterson


What it's like to recall a moment too clearly and too many times every day.

"Dallaire says PTSD seared genocide in his memory" (03OCT07; CBC Montreal) ... for me, "seared in my mind" are the faces of Chilean teachers and reporters and shop-stewards and others who were lined up and layed on their backs so a half-track armored vehicle could be run over their legs. Those are the ones who weren't tortured or just "disappeared".


RadiomanSpecial/Crypto | SigInt | ComRsch291  contact: ben at ab006ATchebucto.ns.ca   CGI / CFS Gloucester 1943 - 1972   bernard.d.tremblayATgmail.com   RadiomanSpecial | SigInt | ComRsch291
  created 22:16Z 03JAN08 [> clock <]